Zirconium teeth are a highly durable and aesthetic metal that eliminates the disadvantages of metal, is non-allergenic, and has a very high compatibility of colour thanks to its natural white colour.
Porcelains are materials with the closest hardness and naturalness to natural teeth, but they are not resistant to strong pressure and chewing due to their brittle structure. In order to eliminate such negativities, metal alloys, which are solid and strong materials, are generally used as substructure. Although these metal substructures prevent breakage, zirconium is safely used instead of metal porcelains, except for not very long gaps, since their transparent properties are not good and they can cause an allergic reaction.
The compatibility of zirconium with living tissues, its durability, the fact that it transmits light more than metal and does not cause bad odour in the mouth make it more advantageous than other treatment methods. Thanks to the technological developments in recent years, zirconium veneers can be prepared in great detail and can offer successful treatment options even in the most difficult cases. Especially thanks to computer-aided design and production (CAD/CAM) technologies, it has enabled time savings, affordable costs, and availability of desired durability and colours.
Zirconium-supported porcelains have an aesthetic appearance, which is very close to natural teeth. The light transmission properties of zirconium veneers are high and the dull and artificial appearance of metal porcelains, which occurs due to the fact that they reflect the colour of the metal, is not seen in zirconium-supported porcelains. Teeth that look the same as your natural teeth can be made. They look impeccable in flash light or on sunny days, especially when being photographed. The unnatural appearance of metals is not valid for zirconium porcelain.
Due to the thermal conductivity of metals, a sensitivity to hot and cold may occur. Since thermal conductivity is very low in zirconium veneers, such a sensitivity does not occur. Zirconium veneers do not cause a negative reaction on the gums, so the gums appear healthier and lighter in natural colour.
Zirconium is a very solid material and, thanks to its high resistance, can be used safely in both anterior and posterior teeth without breaking.
Zirconium veneers are lighter than metal-supported veneers.
Zirconium does not trigger any reaction in the mouth, so it does not create a metallic taste sensation as metals do. At the same time, it does not cause bad breath because it does not rust.
Since the surfaces of both zirconium and porcelain are shiny and smooth, food residues, plaque and tartar accumulation, cigarette stains are almost never seen. It is extremely advantageous in terms of oral hygiene.
CAD/CAM Zirconium Veneers
Thanks to the CAD/CAM technology, even very fine details can be shaped and its ability to integrate with the tooth or implant is very good. It fits about 5 times better than the precision of hand-made zirconium. In this way, it is not possible for microorganisms to reach the tooth.
The measure taken by the dentist is first scanned with special programs on computers. Then, the zirconium blocks are obtained by abrading with fully automatic devices with special abrasives and aesthetic porcelain is added onto their surface in the final stage.
How long does the treatment with Zirconium Veneers take?
The treatment with Zirconium Veneers takes approximately 5 days if it is performed by experienced physicians and technicians. In this process, there are many factors for success. The use of CAD/CAM greatly shortens this process, and in cases where teeth and tissues are suitable, zirconium veneers can be placed on the same day.
What is the difference between metal-supported porcelain veneers and zirconium veneers?
One of the biggest advantages of zirconium is that it does not cause the thermal sensitivity to hot and cold that exists in metal-supported porcelain. In addition, zirconium is durable and has a white colour, so it is very advantageous in terms of both aesthetics and durability.
In metal-supported porcelain veneers, the reflection of grey colour in the gingival area and the opacity of the metal cause the veneers to appear dull and artificial. The natural whiteness and light transmittance of zirconium provide a completely natural appearance.
In metal-supported porcelain veneers, gingival bruises, redness and itching may occur in cases of metal-related allergies. Zirconium veneers do not cause allergies and sensitivity in gingival tissues.
Compared to metal-supported porcelain veneers, problems such as stain, yellowing and plaque accumulation are less common in zirconium veneers.
Made entirely of ceramic material as a combination of aesthetics and durability, laminate veneers are applied by removing tissue only in certain areas of the teeth and offer the appearance and hardness of natural teeth. Suitable for patients with tooth gaps and small teeth, laminate veneers can be safely applied for tooth-related discolouration, deformities, tooth fractures, correction of crooked teeth and equalization of tooth lengths. Unlike from other veneers, damage to teeth caused by application of the procedure is minimal in a treatment with laminate veneers, and laminate veneers can also be used safely in patients with high aesthetic needs.
Thanks to increasing expectations and demands in cosmetic dentistry and the development of the technology, aesthetic laminate veneers made of porcelain can be made, which are very close to the hardness of the natural teeth and in the same colour as the natural teeth and require minimal removal of dental tissues.
Laminate veneers are generally applied to the anterior teeth. Since laminate veneers do not cover the entire tooth, it is sufficient to only abrade the front surface of teeth. With the increase in bonding options and the development of adhesive properties, highly satisfactory results are obtained for patients, but it should be noted that the production stages of laminate veneers require difficult, laborious and highly sensitive processes. It is of great importance that such aesthetic treatment procedures are performed by dental specialists who have experience in their own field.
Although laminate veneers are made for both aesthetic and functional needs, it is not possible to apply them to every patient. After a dental examination to be carried out by a dental specialist, it should be determined in detail to which teeth and how laminate veneers will be applied.
• Especially in cases where a discolouration has occurred in teeth due to the high amount of fluorine in the water (cases where, except fluorosis, the teeth lose their vitality and a dark colour forms in the teeth due to root canal treatment, the use of some antibiotics at an early age, some systemic diseases that cause discoloration and deformities in the teeth, discoloration due to deep cracks and fractures of the tooth enamel, etc.);
• Tooth gaps (diastema);
• Cases where enamel or dentin aplasia and developmental disorders have occurred;
• In cases where an orthodontic treatment for misaligned (crooked) teeth is not preferred in adult and young individuals;
• Due to shortening of the tooth lengths depending on the wear on the chewing surfaces of teeth, which is age-related and affects the majority of the teeth, and in cases where the tooth colour appears in yellow tones and the dentin part of the tooth appears;
• In horizontal or vertical fractures caused by various chemical or physical traumas;
• Laminate veneers can be applied in cases where the aesthetic fillings become discoloured or less bright over time. This treatment is not suitable for certain patients: A treatment with laminate veneers is quite risky and unhealthy for patients with upper and lower anterior teeth overlapping each other, those with moderate and severe jaw disorders, those who are under the age of 18 and whose jaw development continues, and patients with gingival recession or advanced gingival disease.
• Laminate veneers wear 10 times less than natural teeth.
• Since the preparation of teeth for the treatment is more superficial than other treatments, the procedure can be performed without needles or using a small amount of anaesthetic.
• A small amount of hard tissue is removed from the front surface of the tooth and the desired form can be achieved without any change in the natural structure of the tooth.
• With the state-of-the-art technological imaging and computer systems, the final appearance of the teeth can be planned and shown to the patient before the procedure.
• Teeth with laminate veneers are highly resistant to adverse factors such as discoloration, wear and breakage.
• They have a high aesthetic appearance thanks to their high light transmittance and appearance close to the natural teeth.
• The clinical preparation time is short, it reduces the stress of the patients and saves time.
• Thanks to the advanced technology, dental bonding materials provide a high level of adhesion.
• The grey metal reflection seen in metal ceramic veneers is not seen on the laminate veneers.
• At the first appointment, the patient's wishes and opinions are taken. Then, the measurements of the jaws are taken in the same session and evaluated by the physician. When necessary, preliminary work is done and the final state of laminate veneers is shown in the computer program or on the patient's own teeth.
• The procedure is performed under local anaesthesia.
• The teeth are thinned as little as possible, approximately by 0.3-0.7 mm.
• Measurements are taken and the selection of desired colour is made together with the physician.
• Temporary laminate veneers are adhered to the teeth in order to control the functional and aesthetic appearance of the thinned teeth at the interim stage.
• In the last session, the prepared laminate veneers are adhered with strong resin-type materials.
Thanks to new technological devices and programs, precise and time-consuming preparation process of laminate veneers can be completed in a much shorter time, almost without errors. Laminate veneers have great advantages in terms of time and number of sessions. The physician and technician applying the treatment can control the processes at all stages in the preparation process of laminate veneers and immediately make corrections when required. Since the porcelain materials used for the production of laminate veneers have a homogeneous structure, they have no invisible weak areas. In this way, much more durable and robust laminate veneers are obtained. In addition, their compatibility with the gingiva is approximately 5 times better than porcelains that are processed and produced by hand. Thus, the risk of fracture and the risk of displacement of the adhesive are greatly reduced.